Home Credits
Star Trek Inspirational Posters - by Gary


Jesus Christ - if you don't know why click here.

Survive - the wrath of God...

Pam - my Wife, for allowing many hours at the computer.

the wife...

Gary's Drafting Service - my side business.

Gary's Drafting Service - House Plans Gary's Contract Drafting Service

Steve Marquez - for web hosting.

Marquez Design

Despair, Inc. - the orignal Demotivational Posters site.

Despair, Inc.

Star Trek Inspirational Posters - the orignal Star Trek Posters site (too vulgar for me).

Original Star Trek Inspirational Posters Site

Trekcore - for most of the images.


Memory Alpha - for some Trek tidbits (and spellings).

Memory Alpha

You - for checking out my site. If you have any questions or comments, just click on my name in the copyright line to email me.

Picard vs. Wesley...

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